Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Today is Take Your Cat to the Vet Day

When was the last time your cat visited us at Valencia Animal Clinic? Did you know that all cat’s should see us at least once a year, and sometimes more often if they’re considered seniors? Today is National “Take Your Cat to the Vet” Day, so please, call us and ask us when your cat had their last visit…and schedule the next one today!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Pets & Truck Beds

Did you know that letting your pet ride in the bed of your truck can be extremely dangerous, even if you’re traveling at low speeds? Dogs are known to jump and run after things or animals that appeal to them, and jumping from a moving vehicle can cause serious injury. We ask that you NEVER let your pet ride in the back of a truck, but always inside where they are safely secured.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pets & Camping Safety

Are you taking your dog with you on a family camping trip this summer? Don’t forget to be prepared for pet care! It’s important that your pet is up-to-date on parasite prevention and has plenty of food and fresh, filtered or sanitized water to drink at the campground. Also, be prepared for safety by ensuring that your campground of choice allows dogs to visit, and that your dog has a place to sleep, preferably inside the tent where they won’t be bitten by insects or pestered by wild animals! Be safe, and the trip will be that much more fun!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Over-the-Counter Medications & Pets

It’s important to keep your medicines out of your pet’s reach at all times, because human medication can be toxic to your pets! When your pet feels sick or is acting under the weather, never give them a human medicine, but bring them in for veterinary care instead. Even if you mean well, a dose of human medicine could be fatal to your pet.